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cacptonlinegurukripaexam.com enables you to learn the subjects for CA CPT through test–yourself–online and learn–online mode. These Online Model Exams are conducted in the same pattern as prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).


Model Exam Structure:

Each Online Model Exam subscribed by the User will have Two (2) Sessions. Session One will have 100 Questions (60 in Accounting and 40 in Mercantile Law). Session Two will also have 100 Questions (50 in Economics and 50 in Quantitative Aptitude).


Exam Types:

To suit the varying requirements of Users, GURUKRIPA provides three different types of exam packages.  You can take any or all of the three exam packages and improve your learning levels. To know more, click the link http://www.cacptonlinegurukripaexam.com/all_exams.php


Time Management in Exams:

GURUKRIPA’s Online Model Exams will be time–specific and the student will have to answer the questions within the stipulated time. Each Online Exam Session will be monitored by a Timer Clock on the screen.

a)     If you have answered all the questions before the stipulated time, you may click the Finish Button.

b)     If you have not answered all the questions and the stipulated time has elapsed (before answering all the questions), the system will automatically submit the answers.

c)      This automatic submission at the end of stipulated exam time, will ensure that Students manage their time in the exam environment, and increase the speed in answering the questions.


Performance Card:

You can keep track of your performance by comparing your score against the previous Model Exams.

The Performance Card will summarize the information on the number of questions correctly answered and number of questions wrongly answered, and Net Marks obtained, after considering the negative marks in respect of wrong answers.


Reasons for Correct and Incorrect Questions:

After you complete the exam, you can obtain the reasons given for each and every correct and incorrect questions answered by you. The explanation and reasoning given for each answer will help you to improve your understanding and learn from the mistake committed.





Step 1: Click “Join Now” Tab in the Home Page.


Step 2: Select the desired package by clicking the “Check Box” provided therein and select the option “Make Payment”.


Step 3:

If you are a New User – Fill the details in the user–friendly “Registration Form” and Click “Submit”.

If you are already a Registered User – Furnish the login credentials “User Name and Password” and login.


Step 4:

Select the desired option for payment – (a) Credit Card, or (b) Demand Draft. In case of –

(a)    Credit Card –Click “CC Avenue”, furnish your Credit Card Details and make the payment. Your exam package will be activated immediately upon completion of e–payment, and you can take the Online Model Exam under that package, immediately.

(b)    Demand Draft – (i) Take the printout of the Order Form; (ii) Take a Demand Draft for the sum specified in favour of “Shree Guru Kripa’s Institute of Management”, payable at Chennai; and (iii) Send the Form and Draft to the following address by person or through Post / Courier within 3 days from the date of registration. Your exam package will be activated upon receipt and realization of draft, and you will receive an e–mail intimation for the exam package activation.



“Shri Guru Padhuka”, No. 27, Akbarabad II Street,

Kodambakkam, Chennai – 600 024





Step 1: Furnish the login details by providing “User Name and Password”


Step 2: Click “Take Exam”.


Step 3: Answer the questions one by one appearing as follows –

Step 4: Once all the questions are answered, Click “Finish Test”.


Step 5: Your Performance Score Card will be displayed as follows, stating the number of questions answered and number of questions unanswered.


Step 6: You can view the answers along with explanation for the wrong answers by clicking “View Solutions”.


The solution along with explanation will appear as shown below –


Believe in Yourself. You can achieve anything in the Universe.


Enjoy Learning Online.


Best Wishes.


Team Gurukripa.


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